JOB ANALYSIS and JOB DESCRIPTION Job analysis (also known as work analysis) is a method for describing jobs and/or the human attributes necessary to perform them (Spector, 2012). First of all you have to decide, what do you want: “Fitting the man to the job tradition manifests itself in employee selection, training and vocational guidance or fitting the job to the man tradition focuses instead on the job; and in particular the design of tasks, equipment and working conditions which suit a person’s physical and psychological characteristics” (Arnold, Cooper, Robertson, 2010). According your solution, job analysis techniques can be used to collect information that is job-oriented or person-oriented. The job-oriented job analysis provides information about the nature of tasks done on the job. The person-oriented job analysis provides a description of the characteristics or KSAOs necessary for a person to successfully perform a particular job. KSAOs are the employee’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics necessary for a job. Job description is a list of tasks, functions, responsibilities that a person must do at work i.e. sometimes job description is a simple list of competencies. Job description may often include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, and a salary range.
We offer professional services both job analysis and job descriptions for your company.
CONTACT INFORMATION Professor Mare Teichmann Mobiil: (+372) 5087510 E-mail: Skype: mare.teichmann |